Broadband Restoration time

Nehos provide 24/7 broadband services however on rare occasions for reasons outside our control services can experience momentary or longer disruption.

We will always restore services as soon as possible. The table below represents the target resolution time for any such unscheduled interruption.

Service Class Urban Area (Days) Major Rural & Minor Rural Area (Days) Remote Area (Days) Isolated or Limited access area (Days)
Fibre Network 1 14 19 19 N/A
2 9 14 19 N/A
3 1 1 1 N/A
Wireless Network 5 9 14 19 N/A
6 1 1 1 N/A
Satellite Network 8 20 20 20 35
9 1 1 1 1
FTTB & FTTN Network 11 14 19 19 N/A
12 9 14 19 N/A
13 1 1 1 N/A
HFC Network 21 14 N/A N/A N/A
22 9 N/A N/A N/A
23 9 N/A N/A N/A
24 1 N/A N/A N/A


Where service is critical we always recommend a secondary service for Disaster recovery and/or backup. To learn more on that please contact us on

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