Support Services are defined as activities conducted by us on your behalf, including but not necessarily limited to:

  • Research and development
  • Meetings (including telephone conversations) with you or your suppliers or customers and clients and liaison with those parties
  • Travel to and from various sites related to this agreement
  • Report in writing and other documentation production
  • Plant and equipment installation and configuration
  • Software development and/or testing for the purposes General Data Network and Wireless infrastructure development, management and maintenance projects as determined from time to time.

We shall perform the Support Services according to your instructions by submission of written request or by ticket within the Nehos ticketing system. Work will be performed at the times and in the manner as agreed upon by both parties, to the best of our capacity.

We will maintain a detailed and accurate log of all activities conducted by us relevant to this Agreement.

We will present a copy of this log of activities with an invoice for payment or at any other time by your request.

Intellectual Property

  • Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, Intellectual Property in all material developed or produced under this Agreement shall vest in us and in consideration of you entering into this Agreement you herby assign to us any right or interest which you might have in such material. Any Intellectual Property in such material shall also vest in us if produced by any employee, agent or sub-contractor of ours and shall be assigned accordingly.
  • We warrant that all material developed or produced under this Agreement will be original and will not infringe the intellectual property of third parties and to the best of our knowledge the material will not be defamatory or breach any
  • confidentiality or undertaking and we shall indemnify you against any loss, damage or expense which you may incur as a result of any breach of this warranty.
  • We shall deliver to you all material referred to in this clause, or material which you or any third party has provided to us for the purpose of providing the Technical Support Services, on demand or within five (5) days of the date of termination of this Agreement.


Our standard fees for Consulting Support Services is shown in the table below.

Type Per Hour Per Day Per Month*
Standard Remote Rate $150 $1,100 $2,050
After Hours Remote Rate $200

* month rate is invoiced and paid in advance for delivery of up to 10 hours per fortnight period and during Standard Business Hours.

  • Amounts stated in this schedule do not include GST
  • Standard Business Hours are 0900 Hrs – 1700 Hrs (EST), Monday to Friday except gazetted state and federal holidays.
  • After Hours are 0600 Hrs – 0900 Hrs and 1700 to 2300 (EST), Monday to Friday and Saturday / Sundays 0700 Hrs to 2300 Hrs (EST) except gazetted state and federal holidays.
  • In case of ad-hoc consultancy services provided at an on-call arrangement, a minimum fee of 15 minutes per accounting period will apply.

Penalty Additions:

For penalty conditions, the following additions will apply:

Type Penalty applied
On-site attendance 2 Hours standard rate
After Hours 2 Hours standard rate

Materials and expenses:

When we incur additional costs of materials or services required for us to conduct tasks and activities conducted on your behalf, we will (with your explicit permission) charge those expenses to you at cost, with evidence of the costs incurred made available on your request. Typical expenses may include travel and accomodation to allow us to complete on-site activities, or equipment and materials to complete specific tasks. Expenses will not include costs incurred at our own discretion (such as meals and entertainment etc).